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Dating app figures out what we all hate about sex

When it comes to what we love and what we hate about sex, the dating app Hater has got our number.

The app, which launched in February and matches people based on what they both hate, isn't just for helping people find love. Their users can swipe through more than 3,000 topics to indicate if they love them or hate them, and thus it's become a great source of data on how people feel about all kinds of things — including sex. 
Hater analyzed responses to sex-related topics and found that the biggest disagreements between men and women were about “butt stuff.” Even though it’s now been endorsed by Gwyneth Paltrow’s GOOP, only 48 percent of women were in favor of it. In contrast, 88 percent of men were on board. Sorry, guys. 
Following closely behind (sorry) was the topic of threesomes, which only 43 percent of ladies were into. Not surprisingly, men were more on board, with 81 percent in favor of them. After that it was one night stands (only 33 percent of women are pro, while 64 percent of men are). And lastly, sex in public. Just over 50 percent of women are down, whereas 80 percent of men said yes.

As far as what both sexes agree they want more of? Both marijuana and music during sex. Hard to argue with those, really. Also on the list were kinky sex, quickies and dirty talk. And let's not forget the old favorite of showering together, and the thing around which an entire industry is built: sex toys.
Of course there are also a few things everyone can agree they want less of. Top of that list was fake boobs, with 77 percent of women saying they hated them and 58 percent of men agreeing. Pubic hair was a close second, so if you want to play it safe, book an appointment with your favorite waxers. 
The worst news of all is that pierced nipples rounds out the top three, which, sorry, it’s way too late for you to do anything about.


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